Use Cases
April 5, 2024


Explore how custodians can leverage Marinade's staking solutions to provide secure, high-yield rewards on SOL tokens for their clients.


Custodians serve a crucial role in traditional finance, keeping funds safe for institutions around the world. While web3 enables full self-custody of assets for all parties, Marinade understands the importance of giving institutions the option to continue what they’re familiar with: having their funds secured with a reputable custodian. 

As such, providing custodial services plays a vital role in onboarding significantly more participants and capital to the industry. In fact, the value of digital assets held by custodians was estimated to be $448 billion in 2022. 

By integrating Marinade’s native staking, custodians can provide an efficient and simple way for their clients to earn competitive rewards on their SOL tokens. Stakers will enjoy several unique features offered by Marinade, such as increased staking rewards via the Stake Auction Marketplace (SAM) and reduced risk via Protected Staking Rewards (PSR), both of which went live in the recent Marinade v2 upgrade

Ultimately, Marinade provides a win-win situation for institutions and custodians alike:

Institutions seeking to earn passive income via native staking can rest assured that their funds are safeguarded by reputable custodians, while also:

  • Receiving industry-leading staking rewards on their SOL 
  • Earning 100% of potential returns even if validators experience downtime
  • Avoiding smart contract risk by using Marinade’s unique staking proxy

Custodians holding idle SOL for existing clients can easily integrate Marinade’s flexible and lightweight staking solution, enabling their clients to begin earning yield immediately.

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