Meet Marinade’s ecosystem partners: SonarWatch
One of the main features of the mSOL token since the launch of Marinade Finance is its wide adoption throughout Solana’s growing DeFi ecosystem.

One of the main features of the mSOL token since the launch of Marinade Finance is its wide adoption throughout Solana’s growing DeFi ecosystem. mSOL can be applied to a variety of yield strategies and deployed on all the largest protocols across the Solana blockchain.
The launch of Marinade SDK makes for easy mSOL integration in tandem with the Marinade referral program. It has never been easier and more rewarding to join the quest of decentralizing Solana, which will make the blockchain more censorship resistant and raise its Nakamoto coefficient.
Marinade is thrilled at the amount of new and growing protocols on Solana who have integrated mSOL in various ways and we wanted to invite them to kitchen to share their own recipes for driving adoption in Solana in this new series of interviews for 2022.
Our first guest is SonarWatch, a DeFi protocol that allows you to monitor, manage and analyze your positions, view the floor price of your NFTs, stake your SOL (through the Marinade referral program) plus various other tools to make your investing life easier. At Sonar.Watch you can view the real-time performance and value of your various positions within Solana, from farms to staking and other yield strategies.
The team at SonarWatch has answered some of our questions about the growth of their project so far and what is driving their roadmap for 2022.
Q1: What are the highlights for SonarWatch’s roadmap in 2022?
SonarWatch: 2022 will be marked by new interactions between the SonarWatch platform and protocols of the Solana ecosystem.
This was first initiated with the collaboration between Marinade and SonarWatch (see our partnership announcement).
The goal for 2022 is to create a smooth journey for every DeFi user out there and to stop the endless road of switching between platform to interact with each protocol. Let’s make DeFi easier and seamless.
Q2: What are your plans to expand your app’s monitoring tool to apps on other blockchains beyond Solana?
SW: The reason behind SonarWatch’s success is our capacity to quickly track new protocols on our platform. This has become the most difficult of challenges in recent months as Solana exploded with new ones. To cope with the number of protocols coming out, we’ve onboarded a new developer to help us keep the pace.
By starting to work on another blockchain, we would be losing this dynamic built over the past months. We are not against cross-chain on SonarWatch, but we don’t think it will come for 2022. Let’s first build the best tracking dashboard possible on Solana, then we’ll see if we can migrate that to other blockchains.
We are also in discussions with dashboard projects from other blockchains!
Q3: How is SonarWatch able to reliably track such a large number of assets and protocols? Do you plan on creating a form to facilitate requests or involve the community in the decisions?
SW: This was our goal since day one: Be as reliable and precise as possible when it comes to tracking. Our community is driving us by keeping us updated on all the amazing new protocols with promising ideas. We are then able to make contact with their team and try to anticipate their integration.
But this will shift in the future, we plan on releasing a dedicated program to allow any protocol to quickly integrate themselves into Sonar.
Q4: What are you most proud of about SonarWatch today?
SW: What we accomplished in 2021. In only 8 months we’ve done so much change, release, update, features on the platform.
If you look at the very first version in April 2021 and the current one, it just doesn’t compare and it shows how much crypto shifts so fast to bigger and better project.
Being able to drive our community, make this platform such a great tool and with only 3 people in the team is something we are very proud of.
Q5: Looking at the whole DeFi landscape in 2022, what innovations are you most excited about?
SW: More connectivity between projects, not only token-link but finding more bricks between projects to enable new ideas. Things like Friktion for instance, or Marinade integration on another platform.
Once all projects are linked to one another, it will increase by tenfold the power of DeFi on Solana.
Q6: How would you describe your community and the role your users play for SonarWatch?
SW: One of the best?
Jokes aside, we’ve said it many times and we’ll keep saying it: the reason why we succeed is our community. They are the best to find small issues, give feedback with as much detail as possible or identify new pools, farms or protocols.
A few members of our discord have done incredible work in helping us make this platform better and better, building a community-driven platform!
Side note: we now have a dedicated tool for collecting feedback: Feedback.Sonar.Watch
Thank you to the team at SonarWatch for joining us in the kitchen! If you’re a fervent Marinator, holding mSOL or MNDE, we invite you to try out to monitor your assets! To learn more about partnering with Marinade and integrating mSOL, visit our Partnerships page in our Docs.
About Marinade Finance
Marinade.Finance is the first non-custodial liquid staking protocol built on Solana. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade and receive “marinated SOL” tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).
The price of mSOL goes up relative to SOL each epoch, with rewards being accrued into the underlying staked SOL. Marinade stakes in 400+ validators that are selected automatically by an open-source fair formula based on performance, commission, and decentralization.
Marinade includes mSOL->SOL swap, so you can “Unstake Now!” and receive your SOL immediately for a small fee. You can also directly exchange between mSOL and SOL on secondary markets at the current rate. Finally, you can unstake your SOL with zero fees by waiting 2–4 days for the Solana cooldown period (delayed unstake).
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