January 18, 2024

Protected Staking Rewards - Rollout details

Read more about the next steps for Protected Staking Rewards

Protected Staking Rewards - Rollout details
  • Protected Staking Rewards are coming to Marinade in Q1, 2024.
  • Once live, Solana Validators will be required to set up a SOL bond with Marinade to receive stake.
  • This will enable Marinade to stake to more than the current 100 validators in the algorithm, supporting further Solana decentralization without sacrificing performance for stakers.
  • Marinade is rolling out Protected Staking Rewards in Q1 of 2024. This is a first-of-its-kind program for Solana, designed to deliver the very best staking rewards performance to Marinade stakers. PSR will also enable Marinade to expand its algorithmic delegation strategy beyond the current max of 100 validators by ensuring all of them in the set meet the expected performance threshold.

    As a reminder, Protected Staking Rewards will ensure that validators receiving Marinade stake cover any significant downtime or commission change, making staking rewards predictable. This will allow any Solana staker to benefit from institutional-grade Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that are usually reserved for institutional stakers. (Read more here:

    For validators to be eligible for Marinade stake once PSR is live, they will need to be onboarded to Protected Staking Rewards and supply a SOL bond.

    Here are the steps and timeline currently planned for the rollout of Marinade’s PSR, followed by additional details for validators:

    Timeline for Protected Staking Rewards


    Validators can already create their bond, without the need to fund it. Marinade invites all validators to get familiar with bonds and create one for their validator already. (More instructions below)


    Initiating a bond for your validator will become a requirement to receive Marinade stake. Please note that at this time, the bond does not need to be funded yet, but will need to exist. This period will be used to test the system, conduct audits, and gather feedback from validators. A reporting channel will be set up so validators can view the results and provide feedback.

    Beginning of Q2:

    Protected Staking Rewards will be fully activated, opening the possibility for Marinade to withdraw SOL from the bonds when it is required.

    In the current plans, a validator would need to supply a 50 SOL bond to receive up to 50,000 SOL stake from Marinade. (Example: a 200 SOL bond supplied would make the validator eligible to receive up to 200k SOL of Marinade’s stake). When the redelegate instruction is live on Solana, this amount can be reduced by about half (1 epoch of rewards instead of 2).

    Please note that Marinade stake will still be distributed according to the Delegation Strategy and Directed Stake. PSR will just become an additional requirement for validators to be able to receive that stake.

    How bond claims work for PSR

    If a validator suffers unexpected performance issues while receiving Marinade stake, a portion of their bond will be taken by Marinade to cover the loss of rewards. Here’s how it works:

  • Marinade will take a snapshot at the last slot of each epoch containing all the credits earned by voters, the current stake of stake accounts, and the current inflation. This information is used to generate estimated rewards for every stake account, and the expected rewards for stake accounts on the average validator.
  • If the estimated rewards for a validator are inferior to 99% of the average, a Merkle Tree with claims for Marinade Liquid and Native will be generated. Example: If the validator earned 90% of their possible rewards for the epoch, 10% of the expected yield will be claimed from their bond.
  • The Merkle Tree is used to create a “settlement.” The stake account is split, and part of it is deactivated and added to the bond settlement. Once it is fully deactivated, this settled SOL can be withdrawn and distributed to stake accounts based on the delegation strategy.
  • The stake account is used to fund the bond, and a portion is added to the settlement. When the stake account is deactivated, Marinade or the staker can claim the funds. Marinade’s staking bot can claim them and direct them back to the staking rewards. Any SOL not claimed after 3 epochs is put back into the validator’s bond.
  • Validators will need to supply additional SOL to account for any SOL used in the bond to maintain the same amount of stake.
  • Marinade will produce publicly available bond reports that can be reviewed by the community and validators themselves.

    Validators: How to set up a bond to Marinade for PSR

    To set up your bond, you’ll need to:

  • Download this package:
  • Proceed to the bond creation using your validator identity key.
  • Bonds will take the form of a stake account delegated to your validator, where the withdrawal authority is delegated to a specified Marinade address. Funding your bond will not be required at the moment and more information will be available before it becomes an eligibility criteria for the Delegation Strategy.

    Please also note that Marinade’s Delegation Strategy is currently being reviewed and, pending discussion on the forum and a DAO vote, will see some changes during this timeline.

    Marinade Earn Season 2 and PSR

    Season 2 of Marinade Earn has earmarked validators who onboard on time to PSR to be eligible for special bonuses. Validators, be sure to be onboarded and supply your bond to confirm eligibility.

    Get in touch

    Validators can bring their questions about PSR and the setup process to the #validators channel in Marinade’s discord. Visit Discord here:

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